Friday, July 27, 2012

Reading Bowl Books 2012-2013

2011-2012 Centennial Reading Bowl Team: 3rd Place in Regional Competition!
Here is a list of Reading Bowl books for 2012-2013:
Click here for a summary of the books.

Ashes by Kathryn Lasky
Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Not Reading by Tom Greenwald
Close to Famous by Joan Bauer
Crunch by Leslie Connor
Dark Life by Kat Falls
Fish by Gregory Mone
The Great Wall of Lucy Wu by Wendy Wan Long Shang
Hero by Mike Lupica
The Limit by Kristen Landon
The Luck of the Buttons by Anne Ylvisaker
Milo: Sticky Notes and Brain Freeze by Alan Silberberg
My Life in Pink and Green by Lisa Greenwald
Ninth Ward by Jeiwell Parker Rhodes
The Secret Science Alliance and the Copycat Crook by Eleanor Davis
Turtle in Paradise by Jennifer L. Holm
Wild Things by Clay Carmichael

Thursday, July 26, 2012

5th Grade Supply List

Notebook paper (5 packs)
#2 Pencils (4 dozen)
Composition notebooks (5)
Pocket folders (5, different colors)
Binder, 2" (1)
Index Cards, 4x6 (3 packs)
Glue, liquid (1)
Glue, sticks (2)
Markers, broad (1)
Tissues (1)

Though it isn't on the list, we all love to keep a clean (and healthy!) classroom, so any donation of Clorox wipes (any brand) would be MORE than welcome!

Teachers' Welcome

Dear Families of Fifth Graders,

We, the 5th grade teachers, are so excited to welcome you to your 5th grade year! It is going to be a wonderful year packed with lots to learn and do. We hope you've all enjoyed your summer, and we look forward to welcoming you to our classrooms at Open House!

Thursday, August 9th
11 am - 1 pm
4 pm - 6 pm

We can't wait to see you then!

The 5th Grade Teachers

Ms. Denly
Ms. Dodd
Mrs. Kennedy
Mrs. May
Mrs. Thompson
Mrs. Weiser